
wherever you’re going, can i come too?



The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
01-15-2024, 05:48 PM
This little facade of irritation; the child-like tantrum that dribbled from her tongue, danced across her face in waves, before morphing into something akin to a plea. He knew it was all for show. After all, what self-respecting woman would crumble at the feet of a puppeteer- knowing they had been exploited and abandoned? But alas, Rhazien wasn’t the type to pursue women who held such values; especially if he wanted them in his bed, every night, tending to his libidinous perversions. And this girl, well, she teetered on the border of independence and subservience. Which made her all the more desirable, because she was already eating out of the palm of his hand. All he had to do now, was seal the deal.

And my, was she making it easy for him. Even with her reproach, she simply couldn’t resist him- propelling herself forward, burying her small, thin face into his chest. Trailing the curvature of his muscles, noting every twist and turn, every peak and valley, before finding her way up to his neck. He was trying to formulate a response- figuring he would need to be quite deceptive, and ask for her forgiveness. But then, she did the unexpected. She melted in his hands, begging for reprieve. Stating she would make it up to him, in any way that he wanted. His lips started to twitch, his facade almost cracking right then and there. It took everything he had, not to smirk in her face.

Raising a powerful forelimb, he wrapped it over her shoulder- pulling her closer to him, encompassing her with the heat that rolled off his body. The rugged tinge of his cologne washed over her, swathing her in his scent, as this was the start of him marking her as his. He held her there for several moments- wanting her head against his chest, so she could hear the rhythmic, powerful beating of his heart. And once he felt her shaking start to subside, he would rumble out a single command. “Follow me.” And before she could verbally respond, he would peel himself away from her- reaping her body of his warmth, wanting her to feel naked and defenseless in the absence of his proximity. He would lead her through the territory then. Searching for a den suitable enough for him to feast upon her.

And once he found one, he would hastily nudge her inside. Guiding her to the back, where they were hidden from peering eyes. He would motion towards a soft bed of straw that had been put down by a previous inhabitant; staring at her with predatory eyes, thrill rolling down his spine at the thought of having his depravity satiated. “Sweet girl,” He crooned, moving towards the bed in sync with her, reclining down onto his haunches and then his side. “Show me, what you are willing to do, to keep me...satiated. How will you make it up to me? This was both a test and a ceremony. If she wanted to remain by his side, she would need to impress him. After all, it was easy to stand beneath him, bearing his weight, while he fucked her for all to see. But, to gain affection and security from Rhazien Saxe... well, he needed to be enthralled.

"Rhazien Saxe"
Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.