
Two to fulfill



09-20-2013, 07:24 PM
What's Happening...?

Loccian would stand there, waiting to hear what her nephew had to say. Would he apologize for vanishing, tell her that he made up his mind on where he wanted to stay? What if he did, would he choose to join Seracia with his aunt and uncle, or did he want to live with his other uncle in Valhalla?The woman didn't want to force him to make a decision he would not be happy with, that was some of the reason she did not go looking for him, to bring him back so she could become his guardian. He was a year old, and wanted to make his own choices...

Ears would perk up when he did speak, telling his aunt that he didn't know what made him wander but he was now here with a final verdict... on where he would stay. She would gulp, her tail hanging limp behind her, the tip giving a small twitch. Her heart would start to race, eyes not looking away from Augustus, just waiting to hear what he would say next, how it would affect him and possibly her.

When his attention went elsewhere she would turn her head to follow his gaze, eyes falling upon Gerhardt approaching, stopping beside her. The woman would smile nervously, dipping her head to the man. An ear twitched when he asked about Augustus, what would he think?

Before she could say anything though the boy spoke up, all her attention going to him now, listening. HE felt something pulling him towards Seracia, that he should be here like his father and finish what he did not complete. Loccian would inwardly sigh at the boy's words, thinking him to be acting older than he should. The boy was still young, should be enjoying things some of his age would enjoy not have to worry about having to replace his father and continue where he left off. Not only that but if he couldn't get what he wanted, he would wander the lands. Her eyes would widen, tail tuck slightly between her legs. Would she already lose another member of her family?

"I'm Augustus Octavius, son of Octavian and her nephew." With a motion towards her Loccian would lift her head and give a small nod, turning away from her nephew to face Gerhardt. ?If it is alright with you, I would like to offer my nephew a home here... I do not want to lose him again." Though her voice was soft, it was almost pleading, she did not want to lose the boy again, whether it be him wandering once more or leaving because he couldn't make a place for himself in the Kingdom. Oh god, she hoped he would stay.
