
songbirds & snakes



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
01-15-2024, 10:16 PM

Watching as Aurelia strode forward, Sephiran couldn’t help the predatory thrill that rolled down his spine. The way she crept forward, slow and calculated, as if a wrong step would bring perilous harm. It was arousing to the Saxe brute, for some reason or another. His pelt started to bristle, primarily around his shoulders. Tail raising to align with his spine, as she crept down to peer into the narrow crevices. While she was studying their quarry, he was fantasizing about pinning her down and mounting her. Typical.

When she whirled back around, he was taken off guard- though, his stoic expression didn’t show it. There was a tinge of curiosity in his gaze as he watched her slink away- catching a small field mouse off in the distance, and returning with it in her mouth. An offering? He almost laughed at her, finding it humorous that she might be considering winning over a snake… when they could easily kill it, and harvest its venom.

While she spoke, he listened- though, much of it went in one ear, and out the other, as he couldn’t stop staring at the mouse she was holding. Even when she finished, he didn’t say anything. But he did follow after her, as she honed in on a snake slithering around in the grass. Just as he suspected, she set the dead mouse down, offering it to the serpent. That’s when he scoffed, lips peeling back into a sneer as he narrowed his eyes. How ridiculous.

With a huff, he turned away from her. Flicking his tail at her, hitting her in the shoulder, before returning to the rocky enclave. He didn’t need to befriend a snake- they were a resource to monopolize, and that’s all there was to it. So, while Aurelia lived in her fantasy world, playing with snakes- Sephiran sauntered to the closest serpent he could find, and launched an attack.

It was a fairly large viper, coiled up in a tight ball, hissing and rattling its tail at him. Stopping just out of striking distance, he released a low, guttural growl. Pelt bristling, head lowering, as he faced off with the snake. Then, he moved to his right- wanting his prey focused on him, as he neared a smaller rock. Once it was at his feet, he scooped it up swiftly- throwing it in the opposite direction, causing the snake to momentarily follow the movement. He leaped forward then, jaws splayed, ready to grab the snake by the head- but he miscalculated. Missing it, and snapping at the air, he stepped on the fucking thing. It whipped around striking at his forelimb- and somehow, missed with only centimeters to spare. This brought him stumlbing back, just out of striking range again. A growl rumbling from him, an enraged expression on his face, as the viper slithered deeper into the narrow crevice and out of his reach.

Code by Shelby
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.

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1. songbirds & snakes Serpent Plains 02:55 PM, 01-15-2024 07:57 AM, 03-03-2024