
Ssssssymbiotic Relationsshipssss



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
01-16-2024, 12:10 AM
A subtle, satisfied gleam danced in her deep sapphire eyes as she observed Sephiran's reaction to the rattlesnake. A slight lift of her lips betrayed her satisfaction as she detected the surprise in his demeanor. Though he refrained from overtly expressing gratitude, his acknowledgement of the snake's potential was evident in the way his gaze lingered on its coiled form. The serpent seemed to slither comfortably around him, a deadly living weapon that was now at his beck and call. She knew it would serve his purposes well.

Sephiran settled onto a patch of soft earth, surrounded by the carefully organized supplies that Aurelia had laid out. With fluid grace, she knelt beside him, her movements deliberate and purposeful. She unslung the bag from her shoulder, revealing an array of tools and small clay vials. The air was charged with anticipation as she prepared to demonstrate the intricate method of venom collection. On Sephiran's shoulder, the rattlesnake seemed to sense the imminent activity with its piercing eyes fixed on Aurelia's every move- feeling quite like the gaze of his new owner.

With a serene and unshakable confidence, Aurelia reached into the worn leather bag slung across her shoulder and withdrew a small, lifeless mouse. Holding it delicately between her fingers, she extended her wrist towards the female coral snake, its sleek body gracefully descending towards the offering. The mouse, a tantalizing reward, hung just above the empty clay vials. In her sing-song voice, Aurelia addressed the coral snake, "Now, my love, I need your assistance. Would you be so kind as to give this vial a gentle bite?" She presented the small clay container, its top covered by a thin piece of stretched leather. The serpent, sensing both the reward and the subtle command, eyed the mouse hungrily.

Aurelia continued, her words laced with respect and warmth, "As soon as its done, you'll have your reward." She held the vial at a strategic angle, ready for the serpent's cooperation. As the coral snake coiled around her wrist, Aurelia maintained eye contact with the creature, silently coaxing it to assist in the process.

"Sephiran Saxe" & "Aurelia Veratti"

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1. Ssssssymbiotic Relationsshipssss Serpent Plains 11:13 PM, 01-15-2024 02:42 AM, 06-12-2024