

Clove <3

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
01-16-2024, 02:47 AM

Spending time with her sister, the only other girl in their litter, was a special sort of moment for Ember. She loved all of her siblings dearly, but Clove held a special place in the young girl's heart. The was her sister—her true and closest sister—and in a way that made her like her best friend and confidant. Hearing her littler sister giggling as they both ran up the snowy banks of the mountain brought a bright, gleaming grin to Ember's face. Listening to Clove talk about her love for adventuring and her desire to be an explorer like their older sister Talyssa made that smile grow even wider. "You're gonna make the best explorer ever, Clove! I bet you'll even be the Hallows' Wayfinder before you know it!" she remarked, all chuffed and proud of her sister's dreams and aspirations. Heck, they were Carpathians! Anything they set their mind to they could do. If Clove wanted to be an explorer, then Ember knew she was gonna be a famous explorer someday.

Clove turned the topic back around on her and asked what she liked, aside from the swords their father and older siblings carried. Ember snickered to herself; she certainly did have a fascination with the rare family relics their family touted about and their sire guarded like they were the most valuable things on earth. "Well, Mom's been teaching me how to cook, and I've been learning some songs in Carpathian from her and Aunt Gwyn, so I guess I like cooking and singing too," replied the pup, putting a lot of thought into her sister's question. "I'm also really interested in all the jewelry Mom has too. I think maybe one day I'd like to try my paw at making something new. I could make you a new necklace once I learn how to do it!" Ember flashed a confident grin at her sister beside her. She also knew how much Clove enjoyed trying on their mother's jewelry and playing dress-up. Well, if Ember ever learned how to make things like that, she'd have to make sure her sweet sister had a collection of shiny things all her own.

Moving up to a cleared out plateau, Ember was gawking around at the scenes of Boreas around them when Clove's nudging caught her attention. She followed Clove's motioning to the opening in the side of the mountain and immediately put two and two together. A cave! They'd actually managed to find a cave! Ember read Clove's questioning expression and replied with a cheeky smirk and a devilish look of her own, Oh yeah we're going in there! The midnight pup followed her slate and ivory sister towards the mouth of the cave, peering inside as far as the light would let her see. Clove hesitated, waiting for her to take the lead, and take the lead she did. With a bold grin, Ember pushed her way inside, leading the charge into the unknown. Hey, if her sister wanted to see an ice cave, she was gonna make sure she got to see an ice cave!


Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.

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