
Fresh Poison Each Week



01-16-2024, 08:18 AM (This post was last modified: 01-16-2024, 08:19 AM by NPC. Edited 2 times in total.)

You dive behind the ice shards as the worm writhes and screeches. The guide lends her aid as well. You're able to navigate closer and when the time is right, you strike the worm, teeth meeting a cold exterior, then the warm gush of its inner fluids. You jump back and the worm rears back, plunging below the surface and leaving a cloud of blue blood in the water.

The worm bubbles beneath the icy surface and after a moment, no more bubbles float up. The worm is gone and the guide quickly ushers the two of you outside.

Outside the night seems clear and calm and you realize you are back where the adventure started.

Your guide stops weeping for just a moment and offers a soft, genuine smile. In a flash, she is gone, only a few fireflies buzzing lazily where the guide once was.

The cave, now peaceful, stands to be explored by any who come across it. Maybe you can remember your way back sometime.

You have unlocked a new site land: Crystal Cathedral!

You receive: 10,000 Leagues Under the Sea Bundle:
  • Boosted Companion Pass
  • 3rd companion slot
  • 1 Item reward from stage 4 (to be revealed later)

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1. Fresh Poison Each Week Rustling Thicket 09:58 PM, 10-27-2023 06:31 AM, 04-11-2024