
Sometimes it's the little things

Saracyn <3



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-16-2024, 11:42 PM

She knew that his insistence that he would rather die on this island than give it up was a bit dramatic, but she understood what he meant. Their mother had selected this as their home after searching all of Boreas and Auster for the perfect place for them and had done so much to lay the ground work for what they now got to enjoy. She couldn't just throw all of that away just because someone moved in next door and decided to share a border with them. It just meant they would need to be more vigilant and prepare themselves for any eventuality. She knew that a pack being further away from them wouldn't necessarily discourage them from trending on their territory if they were ill intentioned regardless, but this was definitely a reminder of their need to be ready for anything.

She happily ate from both the roasted meats and the vegetables she had prepared–making sure to take more than her fair share of the vegetables since she already knew that she enjoyed them more than her brother did. She noticed him still eating some of them though and she appreciated his willingness to enjoy every aspect of the dinner she had prepared even if it wasn't his first choice. She glanced up from her meal as he mentioned the possibility of doing another practice raid at some point to help them prepare for a possible incursion. His description of the idea as a "war game" made her chuckle, but she nodded in agreement. "I'm sure at least one of them would be interested. Everyone needs to sharpen their skills from time to time, after all. I've been meaning to make another trip to visit our allies soon anyway so I'll bring it up and see if anyone volunteers." They could do trainings and the like all they wanted, but nothing really held up to practical experience.

In the mean time, their lavish dinner was slowly disappearing and her belly was plenty full. She sighed contently and leaned into Saracyn's side, giving him a loving smile as she tipped her head up to nuzzle his cheek. "We should really do this more often. I miss getting to spend time just the two of us." It wasn't as if they didn't come home to one another almost every night, but with so much to tend to around the pack on a daily basis it made it hard to carve out dedicated time like this. "I can see why mom retired when she did," she added with a little chuckle. "I don't intend on retiring for many more years, but... I can definitely see the appeal." Placing a teasing kiss along her brother's jaw, a little grin tugged at her lips as she added, "I guess that just means we'll have to really make the most of every moment we have together."

"Avacyn & Saracyn"

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1. Sometimes it's the little things Alias Island 11:22 PM, 11-19-2023 11:09 AM, 03-19-2024