
Fear the reaper, or be stupid and don't

Lurid(Amarix's welcome)


01-17-2024, 03:11 AM

two can keep a secret

She did not fear the woman, nor her father. Even as the woman stood over her. Her doll-like expression remained even as she now had to look up at the woman to meet her eyes. Her muteness had never been a problem for Mortem so now she expected the same of this woman. She only needed rules laid out and then to figure out this female. She had no reason to answer everything, but she took in all the questions, the way her father behaved and started to decide her answers. she had asked three things of the girl, though one had been to her father. He refused to answer verbally though.

She could answer for them both she supposed.... though what the woman expected was boring and monotonous one word answers it felt. She could do that though she would rather just not. Not from laziness, but from the fact that these sorts of conversations bored her. Not to mention she kept labeling her with little one. Seemed pet names would be needed this night.

"odiosus, amita." Her little voice was like chimes in the wind. Just as creepy to listen to as the child was creepy to watch. She knew her father had brought her here to be observed, but now she did the observing. She would let her aunt hear her vocals only once more in the moment. She loosed the only question to the woman she had. Her eyes could tell the other things she wished to find out.

"Tu animas mortuorum gustas?"

She had wanted to know how the girl was educated, and truth be told she was far more intelligent than Mortem had placed stock in. She had become bored of his lessons. His education was lacking in the thing her body craved. She wanted to learn more than he had began to teach her. Her ticket was in front of her as well.

Walk, "Talk", Think

If one of them is dead

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1. Fear the reaper, or be stupid and don't Soulless Forest 11:06 AM, 11-23-2023 05:24 AM, 05-01-2024