
Getting steamy up in here



The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
01-17-2024, 05:43 AM

Kaino's paws liked to wander. Though she was part of the band, it didn't cement her to their sides. She was a free spirit and went where she pleased. She did what she pleased as well. She even did who she pleased. Tethered to a band, yes, but leashed like some Sidi dog? No. And so Kaino Saxe meandered through the lands, inspecting this place and that. The fae's keen nose detected a hint of sulfur on the air and curiosity bid that she follow.

As Kai walked, it was as though she could feel the ground beneath her paws growing warmer. The smell of sulfur was growing thicker with each step and, before they even came into view, the woman assumed that she was dealing with a spring or geyser of some sort. The landscape around her was fairly basic. Trees, birds, small wildlife. When the trees opened up though into a wide space, well... that was when this land showed that it was special.

Tiers of pools lay sprawled out before the woman. Some bubbled and steamed something fierce. Others were placid and welcoming. Were they acidic, she wondered? Was this place fit to enjoy a good soak? She'd stink after, but the muscle soothing heat would be worth it, eh?

As Kaino stood at the edge of the treeline, considering her next course of action, movement caught her mint and ice eyes. A blue wolf was dipping his toes into one of the pools. When he didn't scream or anything, she figured that the water was safe for use. Kai was intrigued by the possibility of a bit of fun and so the bob-tailed woman padded forward. She slid her side along the brute's side, her silken fur merging with his own for a moment before stepping into the shallows of the pool. The water was indeed warm, but it wasn't overpoweringly so. "Some company while I relax would be quite nice, you know." The fae's lyrics dripped with sultry humor as she moved to the edge of the pool and leaned against it. Her gaze was playful, but remained upon his face. Would he bite or flee?


Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]