
I've been standing at the edge of the water...



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

2 Years
01-17-2024, 03:50 PM (This post was last modified: 01-17-2024, 03:52 PM by Kaiah. Edited 1 time in total.)
Lorem, ipsum, dolor.

For some reason, Kaiah seemed drawn to the ocean. Maybe it was the colors—not the color of the water itself, of course. But the deep, pulsing, near-black purple of waves as they pushed and pulled against the shore as well as her vision. The ivory femme felt comforted by its presence, as if the darkness of it were wrapping her in a womb, and she was a pup once more.

Before everything changed... she thought. Before I was destined to be alone forever. She sniffed along the sand, ignoring the sharp, stacato red cries of seagulls as they wheeled overhead. Focusing only on the sound of the sea.

The pack territory nearby was not unoticed. Just tucked away in the back of her mind as she explored this land. There was no reason for her to willingly aproach the unknown of a group of wolves. Better off to wait and see what became of her. Maybe, she would just walk forever, like a ghost.

She flitted so dreamlike through the trees, that she nearly didn't noticed the other wolf until the scent of another was almost impossible to miss. They crouched by the water's edge—head low and searching as they scuffed among the roots of a half-submerged tree. Kaiah froze, watching, and unsure if she wanted the company. That is, until she saw what the other wolf was sniffing at.

"Dont—" she said, seeing the crab hunkered in the sand. It's claws were brandished in a defensive position, and the black nose of the stranger was in danger of being snipped.

ooc: I thought it would be good for Kaiah to meet other loners wandering around before she settles somewhere!

[Image: s23tMLb.png]
Kaiah's table/signature were made by the lovely Nameria.

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1. I've been standing at the edge of the water... Sea's Plain 03:53 PM, 01-16-2024 05:27 AM, 05-01-2024