
Just Another Day

Halloween Event



01-17-2024, 06:34 PM

You look for the safest path, prodding here and there with your paw. As you take your time, water drips from the top of the cave, landing on your nose. How long have you been standing here? With a rumble, you realize too long as the cave begins to crumble around you.

As the tunnel behind you begins to collapse, you find yourself  getting battered and bruised by a multitude of ice shards, their blades cutting through your fur and smashing onto the ground below. You begin to falter, but with a final push from your guide, you make it to a more stable part of the tunnel, scraping your left shoulder in a long slash the size of a paw print that is sure to leave a scar.

At the end of the collapsed tunnel, what appears to have once been an elaborate shrine at some point in time lays demolished. A part of the wall carves out and opens to an open room full of jagged ice floating in deathly waters. In the center, a large, flat expanse is frozen, and on the other side, what look like daylight shines through a small opening.

What do you do?

Strength: Break through the jagged ice to the exit.
The ice doesn't look so tough, you can probably break through the tips and clear a path.

Charisma: Convince your guide to lead the way.
The guide may know how to get through the treacherous cave.

Dexterity: Jump from jagged peak to peak towards the exit.
If you time your jumps just right, you think you'll be able to use them as stepping stones.

Wisdom: Look for the safest path to the exit.
Looking ahead, there has to be one safe path... if only you can spot it.

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1. Just Another Day Fern Gulley 01:41 PM, 10-23-2023 05:30 AM, 05-01-2024