
We're Takin That One

Ursa [Medium prey hunt - Takin Calf]



Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (120)

4 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

01-17-2024, 09:04 PM (This post was last modified: 01-17-2024, 09:15 PM by Grimoire. Edited 2 times in total.)

An ear flicked toward the sound of someone's approach. A packmate. Clearly not one of the Takin's he was hunting. Amber gaze turned toward the Armada pup that came up and asked if she could help. Grimoire raised a brow, glancing behind her as if he was expecting her parents to show up to herd her away but...that didn't happen. Quietly sighing, he nodded. "I suppose...just be careful." He never really spent much time - if any - around pups. He often kept to himself, so he hoped she was up to the task of both being careful and being useful...or not. He didn't care either way about the latter. Without another word, he picked his way a little further up before his eagle came swooping overhead, an indication that he had found a target.

Quietly, Grimoire followed his companion's shadow, periodically checking on the pup to make sure she was doing alright and helping where she needed it. After a few minutes of navigating his way around the gorge's paths, he spotted a Takin calf a little too far from its parents. "Don't rush at it. Be careful where you step. And don't fall!" He warned before he set into motion. He dropped closer to the ground, earthen frame blending well with the hillside while his reindeer and eagle started from the bottom up and sought to drive it up toward him. He could hear the clatter of hooves and the confused sounds of the calf as his companions harassed it upward, and soon enough, the calf was close enough to strike. With the two wolves, surely they'd be able to get it, no?

The calf clambered up to the ledge he was hiding near, and once it took a moment to check where his companions were, Grimoire struck. In a silent sneak attack, he lunged for the calf's foreleg, startling it, of course. It cried out in pain and terror as it began to flail, and as Grim attacked, his eagle companion would also divebomb the creature and harass it from above.


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1. We're Takin That One Gale Gorge 07:18 PM, 10-24-2023 03:14 AM, 02-13-2024