
What Are You Laughing At?!

Dorian & Corbin



Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
01-18-2024, 12:33 AM
Dorian's ears twitched at the sound of sickening snap as he righted himself and squared off against the hyena he had taken down, his eyes snapping up to Haydée and glancing briefly over at Corbin. Gods, what a way for his brother to return home. With Haydée's nod confirming that she had Corbin and the two with their brother handled, he refocused on his opponent just in time to see it lunging for him again. With a growl he quickly dodged out of the way, feeling the hyena's teeth just graze his shoulder as he avoided the worst of the attack. He spun back toward the predator, wasting no time to latch his teeth down around the hyena's shoulder, lifting a foreleg to drape it across his opponent's back at the same time. He used the combination of the grip he had from his bite and the weight he pressed down on its back to over power it again, pushing it down into the ground.

Of course the hyena wasn't going to go down without a fight, the spotted predator wriggling fiercely under him and making quite a loud ruckus with all of its yelping, laughing cries. He thought he finally had it dead to rights, but right as he let go of its shoulder to go for somewhere more dire like its throat it managed to land a hard kick right to his lower stomach. The kick knocked the air out of him and sent him stumbling back, coughing a bit while his eyes started to water. Luckily, it seemed like maybe this one hyena at least started to get the message–maybe after it looked over and saw its companion limping around with a lame leg–and it turned to high tail it back into the nearby trees and brush. Dorian thought about going after it for a moment, but he decided it was more trouble than it was worth and instead turned his attention to the two remaining hyenas and as soon as he caught his breath he jumped into the fray to help his siblings finish them off.


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