
Just a little green



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
01-18-2024, 01:21 AM

Her giggles only got louder at his playful glare and his insistence that it had all been Eilwen's fault for not being trustworthy when it came to potent drugs. "Oh she knew exactly what it was going to do... You just happened to trust a raven that loves to mess with you," she replied between her giggles, grinning as her tail wagged gently behind her. It wasn't all that often that she just got to chat and poke fun at her siblings any more–though if she was being honest she didn't do much of that growing up either. She had been so dedicated to her studies and so focused on nothing else that she hadn't left much time for anything else. Having Ysmir around had helped her take at least a small step back from things more often and she felt herself relaxing for little moments thought the day like this more and more often.

Art made a valid point in the fact that what he had thanks to Eilwen had been salvia which had a very different response than cannabis. She of course knew he was right about that, but it still had never crossed her mind to try it herself. It wasn't necessarily that she wasn't aware of its effects–she knew every herb in her garden inside and out, after all–but she hardly ever drank, much less partook in any recreational drugs. She was sure there was something there she should unpack about feeling as if she always needed to be ready to jump into action and help at a moment's notice due to the fact that she was one of the pack's few remaining healers, but... that wasn't a thought she wanted to follow too deeply right now.

She could already tell Artorias was planning something before he even began to speak and she gave him a quizzical look which quickly changed to an incredulous one as he began to insist that she go test out her latest harvest with him right this very second. She was so taken aback by the suggestion that she didn't know what to say at first and was speechless as he nudged her along and insisted that they go lay in the gardens and get high. Her?! Just... go get high?! She immediately wanted to object and insist that she should at least go make sure there was someone else to tend to the infirmary in her absence, but when she looked at Art's face she could tell there wasn't going to be much that could actually dissuade him from convincing her to do this. After a few moments of hesitation she finally sighed with a roll of her eyes and replied, "Alright, alright... Fine, lets go," chuckling softly with a little, amused smirk.

"Gwynevere Carpathius"

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1. Just a little green Amron's Castle 08:19 PM, 12-31-2023 02:56 PM, 05-20-2024