
I've been standing at the edge of the water...



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
01-18-2024, 12:51 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2024, 12:51 PM by Meadowlark. Edited 1 time in total.)

OOC: Thank you! I worked on the graphic the last couple of days.

Meadowlark was observant thanks to her days and weeks of being cautious in her home pack. Unless her bounding over to say hi caused it, there seemed to be a level of caution within this new wolf she was a little familiar with. Pausing for a bit, Meadowlark continued to watch the wolf for a brief moment while she spoke, noting in the position of the head, ears, and even her feet. "Perhaps I'll linger." she thought to herself. Meadowlark stayed a good wolf length and a half away and sat down, head in a slight tilt of curiosity. A brief, comforting smile spread across her lips, hoping that this would help settle things.

"A crab, huh? It was weird looking." she said. "It looked like a flat rock with claws." she briefly looked back to see if the crab had returned to the shore. When she couldn't spot it, she returned to the conversation. "I'm Meadowlark. Nice to meet you!" The girl wasn't normally this social, being the shrinking violet she was. Shyness usually was ever present in speech and mannerisms, so this behavior Meadowlark displayed was quite different. Perhaps it was because she had played with a crab for a while, or perhaps even that this wolf looked like her. Meadowlark wasn't in the mind to try and piece it out right now. She would address it later. Though, she could feel it within herself that this new level of socialization was a little scary, but exciting at the same time.

"Speech." Thought. Action.

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1. I've been standing at the edge of the water... Sea's Plain 03:53 PM, 01-16-2024 05:27 AM, 05-01-2024