
I've been standing at the edge of the water...



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2 Years
01-18-2024, 03:06 PM

OOC: Thank you! It will be a fun discovery on where she takes me, but it should lead to some interesting opportunities. Meadowlark is going plotless so *she* can write her own story.

Meadowlark remembered that Kaiah had said she grew up by the ocean. In a sudden flash, the Attention Deficit - Ooh Funny Object! came in and she whipped her head around to the rolling seas. "So that's what that water puddle is! An ocean!" Clearly this girl was very sheltered growing up. Meadowlark whipped her head back around, ears down slightly in embarrassment. "Sorry.. I know that was weird of me." Meadowlark bit her tongue as a reminder to keep herself quiet so as to not further interrupt Kaiah if she had just now. Auster. Such a weird name to this place, but it was one she could remember. The mentioning of the hot springs brought a smile to Meadow's lips.

"The hot springs are great! They're very stinky, but they warm you up and help you feel good. Your coat is kinda crusty, but it comes out easily enough." The girl had planned on making another visit at some point, but her sense of exploration took precedence. Since Auster was so large, and Kaiah being the third wolf she met, there was no doubt in her mind that there were packs thriving here too. While she wasn't planning on joining one any time soon, Meadowlark knew that her survival would depend on it and eventually a choice would have to be made. Her mind was brought back to the conversation about plants and flowers. "Oh yeah, lots of 'em! They were kinda by the hot springs. All sorts of colors and sizes, and it was like the field went on forever!" she spun in a circle as if to emphasize her amazement to the expanse of the field of flowers. "I found lots of stuff I use for medicine, and some to snack on because they're tasty." While that was yet another weird remark from her mouth, Meadowlark chuckled lightly to brush off her nervousness. Not many met or understood wolves that ate plants just out of the sake of snacks. Meadowlark hoped that she wouldn't be judged harshly.

Did Meadowlark think Kaiah's eyes were weird? "What? Abso-fluffin-lutely not! I think they're beautiful on you! I've never seen a wolf with eyes like yours before! I think your eyes make you look very stunning." A wag of her tail in the sand only communicated just how much she liked looking at them. "They remind me of these really pretty crystals in a cave I found once. They glittered even more brightly in the moonlight." If she were asked to lead Kaiah back to the cave, it would result in disappointment. The caves were back home, though she heard rumor of a similar cave existing somewhere here that may have more crystals. The crystal cave back home was rough to get to, but she visited often. It was quiet, relaxing, and had a very strange magical aura to it that felt almost spiritual in a way. Meadowlark would frequently meditate and sing in this cave, connecting to her "inner self" as she called it. Her meditation was a way to settle herself and expand, wanting to connect with other like-minded beings as herself, and to ground her place in the world.

"Speech." Thought. Action.

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1. I've been standing at the edge of the water... Sea's Plain 03:53 PM, 01-16-2024 05:27 AM, 05-01-2024