
The Red String of Fate


The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years

Samhain 2022
01-19-2024, 06:15 AM

Heat seared Dusks cheeks and her eyes threatened to pop out of her skull as she continued to look in the opposite direction, pretending to focus on something in the distance. A pretty face? Was he FLIRTING with her?! Gods above... what did she do? What should she do? Should she flirt back? Should she ignore it? Within, Dusk Carpathius was in a tizzy. Externally, she tried to look as cool and collected as she could manage. Maybe if she just focused on his questions.

"Talent?" There was only one thing that Dusk could think of that she was really and truly good at. "Well, I'm a master of weaponry," she informed Sitri a little bashfully. For the first time in her life, she was considering that her love of weapons wasn't very... girly. Would he find that repulsive? Too late to turn back now.

Rising from her place, the obsidian lady turned a bit, curling her prehensile tail and showing Sitri the intricate blades hidden within the long, midnight fur. "My father had this made for me, she informed the red brute. "I practice every day and it rarely leaves my side." Again, heat rushed to her cheeks and the fae cast her fire opal gaze out over the horizon. "It's name is Whisper."

With her talent divulged, Dusk looked to Sitri. "And you? What is your hidden talent, Sitri?" Again she worried. Had her talent been too much? Was she too manly for him? Dusk was an internal whirlwind. So much self doubt rushed within her that she was beginning to feel a knot in her stomach.

"Dusk Carpathius"
[Image: WlfCSL1.png]

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1. The Red String of Fate Faller's Fjord 09:33 PM, 09-26-2023 05:29 AM, 05-01-2024