
Heard talk you were dead



"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
01-20-2024, 02:32 PM

Punctuality was one of the traits Chimera was known for, and Artorias was not kept waiting long before he saw the monochromatic brute emerge from the emerald valley, alive and well as much as he remembered him being. Seeing his old friend still walking amongst the living brought a relaxed smile to the blue and black brute's face. He just hoped by the end of this meeting that they would both still remain smiling. The Ashen king welcomed him to the new Ashen Empire, and it was in those words that Artorias felt the twist of concern in his gut. "Thank you, Chimera," he tipped his head graciously and accepted his fellow alpha's invite across the border. He hadn't been to Ashen since the pack had first relocated to their ancestral homelands, but from the initial view it didn't seem like much had changed—yet.

Artorias looked about the quiet ravine, still half hoping that Venom might emerge at any given moment. "When I received your missive, I almost didn't believe it. I wasn't sure we'd ever see you again with how quickly you all left," he admitted with a little chuckle. "How is your family? Well, I hope." Artorias would follow Chimera wherever his host chose to lead them. If he wished to speak amongst the trees there and then or if he wanted to walk while they spoke or find solace inside the Klein palace. There would be plenty of time to talk business. Right now, Art just wanted to catch up with his old friend and make up for lost time.

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. Heard talk you were dead Cryer's Ravine 11:10 PM, 01-15-2024 08:11 AM, 05-06-2024