

Clove <3


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
01-20-2024, 04:21 PM

She couldn’t hide the big, sheepish smile that pulled at the corners of her lips. Receiving compliments from her sister made her heart swell- she was the only other girl in their litter, after all. And although they hadn’t spent much one-on-one time together, there was an innate bond between them that became stronger as time passed. Perhaps it was because they were almost teenagers… and teenage girls, tended to gravitate towards other teenage girls. But Clove already knew that even in adulthood, the Carpathian princesses would remain loyal to one another. No matter what Ember would ask of her, Clove would try her best to deliver. She was a family girl, after all.

As Ember revealed some of her other interests, Clove’s ears shifted in her direction, portraying her undivided attention. Her sister’s interests were a bit different than she was expecting. And, deep down, Clove felt a tiny bit envious. “You think you can teach me that stuff too?” She said, excitement sparkling in her eyes. She didn’t want to fall behind her brothers and sisters… and learning skills like cooking would be useful in adulthood. And, at the mention of jewelry… Clove's eyes grew even wider, her jaw dropping a little bit. “Oh, yes! I would love that Ember!” Assumably, her sister knew about her love for jewelry and playing dress up. Even though Clove enjoyed the outdoors, hunting, and fishing. She equally enjoyed setting herself in front of a vanity, brushing out her hair, trying on jewelry adorned in jewels and gems, and swathing herself in perfumes.

Reaching the entrance of the cave, Clove waited for Ember to lead them inside. Reading her sister’s mischievous expression, made her smile. The duo then pushed past the rocky opening, and it took some wiggling to get them inside. But once they were there, it opened up into a much larger grotto. The sunlight from outside couldn’t reach the end of the cavern, but it only took a few moments for their eyes to adjust. And when they did… Clove was starstruck. Ice lined the rocky walls, at least a few inches thick, with a few yards of untouched powdered snow lining the floor. Beyond that, the ground looked icy and slippery. And the ceiling! It was coated in layers of crystal clear, blue-toned ice, with icicles drooping down. She admired their size, and the super pointy ends that seemed dangerous if they fell. “Whoaaaaa” She said, astonished by the untouched beauty of the cave. Maybe they were the first ones to discover it!  


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