
Somber Reflection



6 Years
09-21-2013, 12:39 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 08:29 PM by Alamea.)

The ivory girl's thoughts had soured some since the meeting, the fate of the handsome male who had been the one to accept her into the pack was still unknown, and it left a strange sort of unease in her heart. He was still the only member she knew by name, if nothing else and it left her feeling even more isolated than before. The yearling wandered aimlessly through the pack lands, keeping close to the creek. Her mind turned to worry of war, of a bigger confrontation.

She briefly entertained the notion of running away, of leaving her new pack in favor of more peaceful lands, but the guilt quickly put that notion at rest. She would not abandon her new family. But the thought of war was not a nice one, the little female was not made for fighting and she doubted she would really be able to hold her own.

Her wandering had brought her upon an older woman, one she didn't recognize. She had stumbled upon her rather by accident and it threw her off a little bit. Alamea knew she should be attempting to get along with her pack mates, learn their names and who they were, but socialization had never been a skill of hers. Still she was determined to at least be able to name one other member of her pack by the next time she saw-

The girl pushed thoughts of the grey boy from her mind, he had served to distract her many a time these days, which was good as she needed distracting from the dire tidings of her pack but she needed to focus on the now, in this moment. Alamea slowed some, dipping her head before voicing a soft greeting. "Hello." It was tentative, questioning. No doubt the older woman did not know who she was, and so she guessed introductions would eventually be in order, but first she would need to see if the other wolf objected to her presence. She stood a little off to the side of the older wolf, shifting her weight nervously.
