
Take a moment to breathe

Post raid healing



Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
01-21-2024, 01:18 PM
As he stumbled back from the fight, finally released by the crazed wolf that had attacked him, he hurried away from the battlefield and made his way toward the caves were a majority of his family resided. He could feel the sharp pain radiating from his cheek and he could tell that he was bleeding pretty heavily, but with his adrenaline running high it dulled the pain enough for him to ignore it for now. He managed to find his sister on the fringes and there was at least a small sigh of relief now that he was back at her side. He hadn't even been able to spot her in the chaos of it all so at least now he knew she was okay. "Ethne wolves that need healing, come this way!" he called out over the drumming of the rain before he continued on toward the caves, desperately wanting to get to shelter.

Once he stepped inside he let out a shaky sigh and immediately went to fetch the supplies they would need. Grabbing furs, rags, bandages, disinfectants, tinctures and the like, Dorian pulled them all out to have them at the ready as more wolves began to file in. Slowly, as the moments began to pass, his pounding heart began to calm and with it the adrenaline began to fade and he began to shake lightly from the shock of it all. He didn't realize it at first, not until he went to reach for a bottle of trillium solution and nearly nocked it over because of how his paw was shaking. He frowned and in doing so pulled at the open wound that spanned is right cheek, aggravating it and knocking loose any clotting that might have managed to form. With a frustrated sigh he sat back on his haunches after grabbing one of the rags and bringing it to his own cheek to apply pressure to the wound there.


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1. Take a moment to breathe Lazuli Falls 01:18 PM, 01-21-2024 04:44 PM, 05-12-2024