
Da Capo, Rallentando


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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Samhain 2022
01-22-2024, 12:42 AM
The early summer sun painted the landscape in warm hues, casting a golden glow over Aresenn as he made his way through the familiar terrain of the band's territory. The fresh scent of pine and earth filled his nostrils, reminding him of home. The ache and fatigue in his muscles had finally subsided after his clash with Sephiran, but the scars that had been dredged across his face were already fading. As he strode with purpose, the desire to find Sephiran in the back of his mind, fueled by the information he had gathered during the northern scouting mission, but hadn't been given the opportunity to relay. After the fight, and Absinth's assault, he hadn't felt much like speaking to his friend. However, time had served well in reducing the animosity between them, and there were important things that needed to be discussed.

As Aresenn approached the ocean inlet, his keen eyes caught sight of Sephiran. The tall figure was seated on a boulder at the water's edge, seemingly lost in thought. Aresenn considered hesitating, knowing that he was about to interrupt something. However, his stride never faltered. The information he had was worth breaking the silence. The Praetor casually closed the distance, keeping his attention trained on the other brute for any shift in posture that would indicate a more serious action. .

"Sephiran," Aresenn addressed him, his tone measured and composed. "We need to talk."

"Aresenn Praetor"

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1. Da Capo, Rallentando The Polar Sound 12:42 AM, 01-22-2024 05:00 AM, 04-23-2024