
Somber Reflection


09-21-2013, 08:07 AM
The yearling had set aside his worries for a while to enjoy himself a bit. Maybe explore the territory like he used to when everyone was all here. Yet surely when everyone was again he could tell them where he had gonewhile they were gone. Maybe they would all remain gone, hidden from his sight. Or what if they thought he himself was gone wandering the pack lands quietly Ryker sniffed the air as his stomach growled. It had been a while since he had eaten due to worry; maybe now he could catch himself a bite to eat. Aqua blue eyes with emerald green flecks averted towards the foliage. Surely some prey would be out an about she to the nice weather today. It wouldn't be long thought until the chill set in for good to ready for winter.

Making his way around a tree the young brute crouched down looking around quietly. He sniffed the air once more as he caught scent of a muskrat. Mmmm, he could taste it's juicy meat and flesh now. Making his way over to a creek flowing with cool water. Ryker's white lines ears perked up as he listened to the trickle of water flowing over rocks. It did not flow too fast nor splash over the rocks like white rapids. It was calm and followed the way of the current and the rest of the water went. Sniffing around the male also caught the scent of two others. He wondered if he knew them or not. Probably not, but he would after he talked to them, if they weren't grumps. With a small smile he wagged his tail, excited to meet others and someone new.

He walked down the creek towards the other two; sticking his nose in reeves as he went. He could still smell it, that muskrat, he wanted, needed it. A sliver of drool fell from his mouth; it was making him salivate by thinking of the small juicy animal. Soon enough the two wolves came I to his view. White toed paws squelched in the soft fdiet by the creek as he went closer to the water' sedge once more. Coming up by the two he noted the white dame and the gray one. By the voice of the white dame they had just ran into each other as well.

Walking up to then the yearling offered a smile to the two.

"Hello, sorry to interrupt but I thought I might say hi. My name's Ryker, Ryker Tsarev." he sad in a friendly voice.

Then looking at the gray dame once more he thought he recognized her. Ed, he had seen her at the meetings! Ashtoreth, the Huntress. But then again what if she wasn't? What if he was wrong? Maybe he should wait. The young brute wondered if she was Ashtoreth then he could possibly hunt with her. He knew his father was training him to be Delta like him but re boy wanted to try hunting too. Perhaps he could help out, yes yes, that would be good right? Thoughts and ideas ran throughout his mind as the brute stood before the two. With swag of his gray tipped tail Ryker waited for the two to reply. Hm, hadn't his father also known Ashtoreth as well? That would be cool. Looking back at the white dame he thought he had only seen her once or twice, possibly at a meeting...for both times if there were two. So he patiently waited...