
Stuff It... Will Ya?

Lucette <3


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
01-22-2024, 07:11 PM

As the call for Lucette fades into the day, Haydée carefully picks up one of tacked together clothes and grabs a paw-full of alpaca fur as she slowly begins adding to the soon-to-be pillow. As her sister appears, the young Leader’s eyes move to find Lucy’s gaze and she smiles warmly while her tail thumps the fur that marks their work area, extremely hard. Shifting around, she pats the empty space next her in a silent invitation for her older sibling to sit beside her as Lucette lays out the herbs.

Emerald green eyes curiously examine the dried herbs and Hay nods at the explanation for the lavender helping their mother immensely. Then, Lucy is talking about Bellamy being back in her den and how that might be hard the first few nights, the young woman offers a small nod while releasing a soft sigh. Gods, how much they all miss Gav. Carefully, she picks up some of the dried lavender and Haydée slowly beings to work on her pillow as she alternates between wool and herbs.

While the pair work, Haydée strikes up a conversation, saying, “Seeing Gavroche reborn so young and carefree has been difficult for mom Lucy but, when he somehow found his way to the Hallows, it felt like… like, they were supposed to be there… together.” Shoulders shrug as she glances to her sibling, a happy smile wiggling at her lips as she says, “I think that the Divines are watching over them both. The fact that he was reborn so soon afterward and that he managed to somehow find her when she went to the Hallows…”

The younger woman’s voice trails off as she turns her attention back to the pillow she is working on, quietly continuing the process of stuffing it with wool and dried as she silently ponders the wonders that Divines have given her family. Suddenly, Haydée pauses in her work and turns to give Lucette her full attention as she softly says, “I miss dad so much Lucy. For so long it didn’t seem real… you know? I… I hope I am making proud.”

Emerald eyes glisten with unshed tears as she gives voice to something that the Leader has been trying desperately to keep silent. Even though Gavroche has been reborn into a young boy, the man who she had known and loved lay dead in a grave not far from here… and that still weighs heavily on her mind. Sometimes, trying to be the happy, upbeat alpha that keeps everyone in Ethne safe, wears Haydée down and she just needs to be reassured that she is doing an okay job.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. Stuff It... Will Ya? Lazuli Falls 07:52 PM, 01-01-2024 04:44 PM, 05-12-2024