
Cricket x Ghoul


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
01-23-2024, 11:53 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2024, 05:56 PM by Hermes. Edited 3 times in total.)

Character Name: Coho (pronounced kow-ho)

Gender: Female

Size/Height/Build 32”/Medium/Medium



Coho will definitely take after her father when it comes to her coat coloration. The base shade of her coat is a beautiful, soft rose that sets the tone for her whole body.

A deep, rich burgundy coats her face and runs down the underside of her neck, paints the back of her ears and trails down the back of her neck, enrobes her front and back legs, and covers the top of her tail. It also creates dapples the sides of her neck and her sides.

A pure, stark white of fresh snow splashes her toes, colors her eyebrows, splatters her sides, and forms lines under her eyes. In fact, Coho’s eyes are where her mother, Cricket’s, coloration comes into play. The lime green orbs cautiously watch the world with keen interest.

Adventurous ~ Clever ~ Morbid ~ Quiet ~ Reserved

Coho is someone who would much rather be out finding new and exciting places instead of sitting at home listening to her mom and dad. The great unknown will tickle at the girl’s brain from a young age and she will often try to escape to go on grand adventures. It isn’t because she doesn’t love her parents or aunts and uncles; far from it actually, this strange girl just can’t help but want more.

From a young age it will be apparent that Coho is too smart for her own good. She will gladly watch and learn what others like and don’t like so that she can better understand how to manipulate them. This same attention to detail will lead her to be extremely interested in the inner workings of bodies and she will happily dissect anything and everything to understand it better. Well, almost everything; her family is definitely off limits.

While this strange duck might be off-putting, Coho will never voice her morbid ideas to anyone. In fact, this pink salmon won’t actually voice much. Quiet is her default mode and the girl would much rather hang on the outskirts of gatherings instead of actually partaking in them. This will lead her to be extremely reserved and lonely.

Alignment: Is Chaotic an alignment? She kind of cares, kind of doesn’t.

Skills: Intellect/Navigation

Plans? Family threads, getting to explore and know this bean! Would love for her to form a deep bond with one of her siblings and follow them around like an unwanted flea. Please abuse this baby. Other than that, no real plans. Might need help with some purchase for her (if I get her) but I will total all my gems up first.

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1. Cricket x Ghoul Adoptions 11:16 PM, 01-04-2024 06:13 AM, 02-07-2024