


09-21-2013, 10:00 AM

Concern bubbled on her face, warping her features in to something akin to worry. She was not fond of seeing her brother in pain and stained with blood. She remembered when he'd been just a lad, running and romping and getting himself into trouble. He'd hurt himself then, but never before had she seen so much blood seep from his bodice. Surely he must be weak - even she felt weak with the amount of blood she had lost. He had surrendered much more of the vital fluid, and she knew his strength would have long since ebbed away. The stranger answered her first, assuring her that he would be fine after a few weeks of healing. She knew it would take much longer for his pride to heal - if it ever did. The man seemed keen on staying, for he quickly offered his services again. Who was this stranger that was so willing to help out wolves he did not know? Sendoa's ear twitched, uncertain about how she felt about the stranger.

Eris agreed to have him stay and help her, something Sendoa was only mildly irked by. She wasn't really in any position to refuse a helping paw - particularly since she ached painfully. ?Argent prevailed, the Valhallan King is ours.? Never had she uttered such a short sentence with so much pride. Valhalla would certainly be miffed over Glaciem's victory, but the ice kingdom had created a name for themselves - and that was essential. Isardis was speaking then, asking about the enemy and promising to avenge her. She offered him a smile and a gentle kiss upon his cheek. ?Fear not, Isardis. The pitiful queen could not hold her own against me, she broke away and commanded Valhalla home. I ordered Glaciem home for the time being, we will need to rally the troops - and train more warriors.? She could scarcely imagine what would have happened had Valhalla continued their assault, Glaciem was fewer in number than they.

She winced as his salmon tongue began to work upon her wound, parting the guard hairs and cleaning away some of the blood from her steely coat. She would not refuse his pampering, although to be honest she had intended to clean him before she had been so rudely challenged for. Eris gave her request to have the man help Sendoa into the water, whilst Eris catered to the king. Isardis would put forth an immediate protest, to which a growl would rumble in the woman's chest. ?We are in no fit state to argue, Isardis. Let us do as she asks so we can be left alone.? She watched in vain as he attempted to stand over her. Sendoa would wriggle to her own paws, managing to slither from beneath him to stand at his side. Her chin would tilt upon the nape of his neck, throat vibrating lightly in a purr. ?He'll not harm me, brother, I am sure of it.? Front left limb hung suspended an inch above the terrain, unwilling to put pressure upon it until she had to. It seemed, though, that she was expected to move to the water, and so she would regretfully place it upon the earth and secure her balance. Before following orders, Sendoa twisted her frame to circle around to Isardis' hind end, aiming a gentle swipe of her tongue across the blood that stained him so near his most prized possessions. She would attend to him further when it was more convenient.

And so, she would stagger slowly toward the water, intent upon lingering in its depths until the pain ebbed away.
