
Dealing With the Devil



6 Years
09-21-2013, 10:01 AM (This post was last modified: 09-21-2013, 10:24 AM by Azalea.)

Like a bandit she had made off in the night while her pack slept. She moved with purpose, running break neck until dawn broke over the horizon and her paws gave out under her. When she collapsed she was already near the north and allowed herself a quick nap.

It was hard to sleep, her mind so full of thoughts. She told herself that she was doing the right thing. Valhalla needed Gideon more than they needed her. No one knew what she up to, it was how she wanted it. The north rose before her, as she moved at a brisk trot. Snow began to fall, autumn ending early so far up. Ears pulled back, throat a tight knot. She scented the air, trying to pickup a trace of Glaciem.

In the back of her mind she told herself that she would at least get to see Vixe again. Maybe she would even have a chance to rip him a new one. Would she live? Was this the end? Her heart jumped as she found a scent. A deep, rickety breath being inhaled and then exhaled before she could bring herself to follow the trail.

She found her way to the overlord's doorstep, stood on the threshold of an unknown future. Would they even take her trade? Would they play dirty and not honor her words, keeping both her and Gideon? Amber eyes were steeled against any emotion, for once keeping her face a mask. A howl escaped her lips, calling forth the demons of new Glaciem.

The female sat down, forcing calm upon herself. She imagined her mother's heartbreak, her father's frustration. Gael would not even believe it. Chrysanthe would think she was foolish but be so happy to have her mate back. Erani would likely think her foolish as well. Cormalin would be disappointed. Sarak... would be lost.

She howled again, more persistent this time. "Just get this over with!" The last thing she wanted to do was chicken out.