




Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
01-24-2024, 11:18 PM

Setekh was writhing in anticipation, his fur on edge, his blood aflame – and then a caller came knocking. The ivory prince cast his gaze to the approaching opponent, seeking to size him up with an amused expression. It was a man, larger, heavier set; a handsome one at that. This made the God shudder briefly, his mind flickering to the last time he had male company… Ah. The stranger’s eyes were of amethyst and emerald and his musculature was… something to be greatly desired. Setekh stifled back a giggle at the sight, adjusting his posture to suit his focus on the man. Unbridled lust escaped his molten gaze, but Setekh did not care - this was no woman. There was no flowery speech or nuances to be had here.

’Looking for a batt-’ The stranger's sentence hung unfinished, annoyingly disrupted by the sudden intrusion of a hyena. The laughter of the approaching predator echoed through the air, a disturbing symphony of taunts, truly. Before Setekh could react, two more hyenas joined the chaotic scene, their laughter intertwining with the tension that already hung thick in the air. Perhaps the ambush had been meant for him alone, with his dark caller being a… casualty of war, of sorts. But these beast did not know him, they did not know Setekh Inferos. He would not be bested by a pack of mangy mutts.

Setekh's molten eyes narrowed, a low growl escaping his throat as he threw himself into a position beside his handsome stranger immediately; against the advancing hyenas. What an icebreaker. His skull tilting, eyes seeking those imperfect amethyst with a gleam of mischief and entertainment. “I would venture to say this meeting is cursed,” The familiarity of the situation gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, an elusive memory that he could not place in the heat of the impending battle. What was it? “So, why not set it in blood. Hmm?” The otherworldly man grinned, a wink aimed at the charcoal and ebony man he so wished to properly meet.

Without uttering another word, Setekh's instincts took over. With a swift and fluid motion, he lunged at the lead hyena, teeth bared and claws outstretched. The clash erupted into a frenzy of fur, teeth, and primal growls, as his battle with the hyena unfolded with an intensity that matched his gaze. He snapped viciously, as the cackling increased tenfold with Setekh’s own laughter. He met the hyena head on, teeth making contact with the facial tissue, the muzzle, his fores coming to wrap around the neck and twist so that he could crash down atop the creature.


"He Speaks" | 'He Thinks' | The Madness

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.

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