
Tips for safe travels

Heiðinn pack expansion - navigation



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An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
01-25-2024, 09:28 AM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2024, 01:04 PM by Kiela. Edited 1 time in total.)

If Kiela was being honest, her ideal scouting party wouldn't have included children, but they'd been allowed to join and she wasn't about to deny them. Maybe this place just had a slightly creepy aura to it - it felt like this place had once belonged to creatures long departed from this world. Though she had a tendency to be somewhat superstitious, she was finding herself less so as she got older, and she tried not to get too in her head about this place.

Hard not to, though, given their immediate surroundings. Every sound they made echoed strangely off the walls, bouncing right back at them, the echoes only growing more ominous as they drew deeper into the crypt. Lumine's question, asked from right beside her, earned a thoughtful little hum from Kiela. Her thoughts were briefly interrupted by the chattering of a few rodents up ahead, scurrying between some small cracks in the stone floor beside them.

"Maybe," she mused aloud. "I think it'd take a lot of work though. Probably not worth it. If we end up laying claim to this place, I think it'd be best if we marked off the unsafe passages and focused on the more stable ones." There seemed to be more than enough room here for the pack to expand into. It'd be a good shelter for the entire pack during harsh weather, a good place for whelping and to house the sick and elderly if necessary.

"Here," she instructed them as they neared the end of a hallway that split into two different directions. She was grateful that Róta was keeping the pups in line while she led the group. Maybe splitting off wasn't such a great idea - it'd be difficult for them each to tend to one pup alone, and if something happened... well, no need to worry about that. "We'll stay together. This way looks promising." The walls here, and the ceiling, seemed quite stable - at least as far as she could see.

Kiela led them to the right, following a long narrow corridor that opened up at the end to a large room. In the center of the room stood a large, rectangular tomb with what looked like a heavy lid, surely unable to be moved by any of them. It wasn't anything she recognized and she doubted anyone else would either. Though this place had a strange aura, it seemed quite usable, boasting a wide open space with walls that looked stable. Again she heard the sound of rodents hurrying away as they entered the room. It seemed the wolves weren't the only ones who'd taken a notice to this particular room.

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1. Tips for safe travels Stylianos Crypt 07:35 PM, 01-06-2024 10:53 AM, 04-10-2024