
Dealing With the Devil



6 Years
09-21-2013, 12:10 PM

It was Argent who came to meet Azalea's waiting form. Dark circled eyes looking at her warily. Friend or foe? That seemed to be the question. Azalea didn't come to fight them but she found it impossible to be seen as friendly when standing before the kingdom that wanted to destroy all those she loved.

?Why have you walked into the devil?s den, dear?? Her words were swift and to the point, the Valhallan's eyes wandering over the wolf as she spoke. No longer was she pregnant, it seemed. Instead heavy tits hung below her. She quickly averted her eyes. "To propose a trade. I wish to take Gideon's place as hostage of Glaciem." Her eyes met the crimson ones. There was a fire in her eyes, a defiance that could never been stomped out. She was here to give her aunt her mate back. No doubt, Chrysanthe would need his comforting touch in the weeks to come.

There were many trials to be had, Azalea was just sick of waiting. She was laying down her cards to serve her pack in the only way she knew possible right now. Action was in her blood, she couldn't just sit idly by. Argent seemed uneasy and Azalea assumed it was just the worries of new mother. The Valhallan girl was a threat and they didn't know who she might have with her, waiting in shadows. "I give myself to your king in return for Gideon's freedom." She paused, "If it so pleases your King."

She was being polite as possible, more to the point than anything. She would not throw herself upon them begging for the red wolf's release but she also knew she couldn't be rude. The Glaciem wolves were so very easily offended.