
Dealing With the Devil


09-21-2013, 01:22 PM

Stiffly she would rise as one, then two howls split the seams of Glaciem. It seemed someone was intent upon gaining an audience. ?So shall it be,? mumbled the Sentinel. She wavered on her paws for a moment, almost unwilling to drop her left forelimb to the earth for fear of the stinging sensation that would result. Chrysanthe had certainly done a number on her armpit. The scar was ugly and jagged, where flesh had been torn and hair had been stripped. She knew even once it healed it would be a considerable blemish upon her steely hide for the rest of her days.

With a half-hidden wince the woman would proceed forth to the source of the sound, knowing that someone else would have likely arrived already to see to it that the stranger did not breach the perimeter. If they had not, it wasn't as if Sendoa was too late to stop them herself. With a slightly pronounced limp, the Sentinel would stride onto the scene, head high and tail erect. Argent had beaten her to the punch, and Sendoa caught only the last words that Azalea spoke. She was willing to trade her own freedom for Gideon's. How curious. She seemed genuine in her proposal, and she had indeed come of her own accord - or so it seemed given that there were no scents other than hers.

The Sentinel would slip up beside Argent, brushing her uninjured right shoulder gently against the Duchess' flank. The gesture was a silent affirmation that Sendoa was present and stood ready at her side to defend Glaciem as she had before. Emerald gaze would narrow slightly, examining Azalea as if she could somehow read into her very mind - which of course she couldn't. ?How generous an offer, Azalea. I wonder if you know what it is you are sacrificing for the freedom of your precious king?? Did the child know what Glaciem would put her through, what their King would certainly do to ensure she knew her place? Did she know she would bear litter after litter so long as she was held here? Did she know this was a place where women were property? Did she know this was far from her precious home of Valhalla? Oh.. did she know.. Sendoa was almost amused with the prospect of trading captives. It wasn't as if Gideon could do anything of benefit for the kingdom - he was unable to provide the king children, and was unfit to go out hunting unaccompanied. What could he do of benefit besides acting as a play-thing when one of Glaciem's warriors got bored?
