
Isardis x Narsha



09-21-2013, 01:40 PM
Pup #1;
Name: Kristoffer
Sex: Male
Appearance: His fur will be a gentle mixture of dazzling tans and creams. Along his spine would be a more darker tan that gently fades into softer creams. His form would be average for a male when he grows to be an adult. His muscles would be decent, capable of holding his own without any issue. The man's eyes would be a beaming amber. The man would be handsome without a doubt, simple. - ref

Personality: PUPPY: As a youngyin the boy would be quiet. He would only speak when spoken to. He would stay out of trouble and listen to his parents. Though, as many pups, he would play with his kin. He would not be much excitement, but happy and content. As he grew into a yearling he would stay quiet and respectful. A teenager of few words, but when he spoke he spoke with meaning and maturity.
ADULT: Kristoffer would continue to keep to himself. He would grow into a respectful and loyal man. The man would be mature and gentle. Though, he would stick up for his family and empire. He would treat the brood of Glaciem with respect. He would not live as his father did, he would chose one woman and stay with them. He believes in life mating, like traditional wolves. Though, if he or his kin would be disrespected in any way he would fight for them, without a bat of an eye. Kris would handle situations with a level head and calm nerves.