
Euphoria, My Old Friend



The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

01-27-2024, 05:01 AM
Ely had heard the whispers through the group, to be ready to move, that the polar sound was not their official home, that she’d soon need to be packing her own belongings. But she’d barely heeded the talk, until her dear cousin Kaino had come to collect her for a trip. One that Sephrian had approved of. She wasn’t fully filled in, but she knew the gist of it. She was aiding Kaino in battle today. One that would help secure the Syndicate’s next temporary residence. And if it had been approved by Sephrian there was no way Ely was going to turn down the offer. So she followed Kaino Closely, allowing the silver woman to lead the way. Ely, having been born in the summer heat, didn’t mind one bit traveling through the plains on a hot day. It was actually far more preferred than the snow and cold she’d been dealing with over the winter.

She could smell it in the air, the warm musky scent of a storm rolling in, as the clouds began to grow darker. She didn’t bother to worry about it, instead she stayed directly to kaino’s right side, flanking her until they came to a slow steady pace.. She watched as the other wolves began to sneer and taught them. And all she could do was lick her teeth, she wanted blood. But she waited, Kaino was in charge today. So until she made a move or gave the signal Elysia was to wait. She stared at each opposing wolf, drinking them in. Looking for the perfect target. Oh she couldn’t wait to sink her teeth into their flesh.

Ely didn’t let out a battle cry as she watched Kaino lunge, instead she snapped her gaze to the enemy. It was play time. With a twisted grin of her own, ely followed suit. Springing forward using the advantage of her smaller size, she targeted a wolf a bit larger than herself. She could hear the other fighting nearby,but she didn’t let it avert her focus. She had to trust that the others could hold their own. That they didn’t need her help. So, she narrowed her eyes on her target. Circling him like dancing partners. She was looking for any opening, any sign of weakness. And then it was there, as he stumbled a bit on clumsy footing. The smaller woman jumped with jaws splayed. Aiming for his exposed neck. Teeth tore through flesh as the sounds of his pained screams only delighted the girl more.

Rain pelted down on her, the dry ground greedily drinking in the water beneath her feet until it couldn’t hold anymore. Dusty ground turned to slick mud as the battle raged on around her. Her fur clung to her body within minutes as the other wolf jutted his shoulder into her throat forcing her to release him. Snarling they clashed again, bites were exchanged and elysia breathed heavily as she pushed forward, landing a blow to his face. She felt his eye pop beneath her teeth, oozing into her mouth, with a viscous yank she plucked it from his skull. She watched as he fell to the ground, rolling in the mud screaming in pain.

With a sick laugh, she spit the ruined eye at him and stalked closer. Looming over him like the shadow of death. She didn’t wait for him to get up to fight or to beg her for his life. No, she waited until he rolled towards her his throat exposed. Lunging at him she latched her teeth to the vital point. Sinking her teeth deeper into his throat she ripped her head back,taking his jugular with her.

"Ely & Ezekiel"

Individual Word Count: 617
Group Word Count: 1632

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1. Euphoria, My Old Friend Serpent Plains 07:44 AM, 01-12-2024 05:18 AM, 05-01-2024