
[fight assessment training] I'll take another hit to the back bone



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
01-27-2024, 05:07 PM
Bae-Syl replies to her news about Bay and Corbin and Haydée bobs her head in acknowledgement while she tries to stifle a smile at the Bruiser’s attempt to placate both her and her sister. Excusing herself, she moves out into the crowd, picking a spot next to Dorian so that she can watch everyone while also offering her brother support. Bumping his shoulder lovingly, the much shorter young woman beams a smile up at him before turning her attention back to the leader of this lesson.

It starts with an introduction and Haydée scans the gathered wolves, trying to gauge interest and the general attentiveness of everyone here. Bae-Syl then moves into defenses and poses the questions of what are the best ones to keep while in a fight. Remaining silent, the Leader gives Dagrún and then Gavroche II her full attention as they respond. Each is given a bright, encouraging smile as they talk and Hay feels extremely proud of them both. As Gav finishes, a natural pause appears but begins to stretch as no one immediately speaks up.

Turning her attention to Bae-Syl, the young Leader confidently says, “Narrowing your eyes and pinning your ears back are both very important. Narrowing your eyes to slits helps minimize damage to them and the same goes for your ears. You opponent will have a more difficult time grabbing hold of them if you pin them back. Like this.”  With that, Haydée closes her eyelids until they are low enough for her to still see while helping to keep them protected. At the same time, her ears swivel back and pin down, her lips instinctively lifting as her body remembers the begins of her fighting defenses.

At a couple minutes, Hay relaxes her features and smiles, turning her attention to the next wolf in the group who speaks.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. [fight assessment training] I'll take another hit to the back bone Lazuli Falls 08:25 PM, 01-03-2024 04:42 PM, 05-12-2024