
So much for a nice stroll




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
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1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-27-2024, 08:49 PM

Making her way back toward Elysium after her brief visit to the northern pines, she decided to make a little stop in the Polar Sound. She had to go around it anyway so she might as well pay a visit to the place that had such sentimental memories for her and Saracyn. It crossed her mind to send one of her ravens up ahead of her to see if Sara wanted to meet her here for the night, but she ultimately decided against it. The Sound was very close to Elysium so they could visit any time. There was no need to bring him out here when she was already going to be a bit tired from a day of travel and exploration. Planning a night out at the Sound was certainly not a bad idea though so she made a note to work that into their busy schedule soon.

Carefully making her way down the steep slope, she followed a winding path that had formed from the many individuals that had passed through here time and time again. By the time she made it down to where the water cut inward the sun was nearing the horizon, the sky lit up with bright reds and purples. She wouldn't be able to stay long, but she walked down to the edge of the water regardless, looking out over the horizon and enjoying the view. The only problem with having such a breathtaking view was that she didn't notice the grizzly bear cubs that was playing a little further down the shore line or–more importantly–their mother looming protectively in the trees behind them. By the time she noticed the low growling behind her and turned around toward it the mother bear was already stalking toward her. Ava immediately started backing away, baring her teeth with a warning growl of her own and her hackles bristling. She thought that if she put enough distance between herself and the cubs the mother might back off, but it didn't seem like the mother was going to back down without a fight and she braced herself as the bear charged toward her with a bellowing roar.

"Avacyn Mendacium"

Thread Move Log
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1. So much for a nice stroll The Polar Sound 08:49 PM, 01-27-2024 04:47 PM, 07-18-2024