
Da Capo, Rallentando


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
01-27-2024, 09:49 PM

Just as he usually did, Aresenn responded to Sephiran’s volatile mood with calculated composure. Though, there was an unyielding undertone in those amber eyes- one that teased Sephiran’s grandiosity, as he wondered what was really going on in Aresenn’s mind. It was easy for him to fall into the trap of persecutory delusions- but he had to remind himself that this man hadn’t betrayed him thus far. And his explanation of his relation with the Armada, was a testament to that. Still, the Saxe still had his doubts- he was an impulsive, jealous, greedy creature, after all.

For several moments, Sephiran was silent- but inside his mind, he was replaying every word Aresenn just said, and recalling their interaction with the Armada. How he was attacked by the alpha, and ran out of the market.  Funny, how they had been chased out, and yet Aresenn found a way to pillage the alpha’s daughter- in the most intimate, licentious way. It was behavior he would expect from his uncle Rhazien; perhaps, Aresenn had a knack for manipulation, after all.

Turning his gaze away from Aresenn, Sephiran would give a simple response. “Then I’ve underestimated you.” He was more impressed with his ability to connive against their enemies, more than anything. Or perhaps, this was the crimson male’s way of patching the animosity between the two groups. Regardless, Sephiran wanted to know something. “With that being said,” He suddenly pulled himself onto his paws, standing beside Aresenn, wanting to dominate the space between them. "If the Armada were to wage war against us… would you spare her?” Another test of loyalty, in Sephiran’s mind. Because he certainly wouldn’t hesitate to ravage her.

"Aresenn" & "Sephiran"

Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.

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1. Da Capo, Rallentando The Polar Sound 12:42 AM, 01-22-2024 05:00 AM, 04-23-2024