
While I'm in the neighborhood...

Saying hello!



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-28-2024, 12:18 AM

Avacyn enjoyed her time walking along beside Beauregard and listening as he spoke about Norad's growth and the offer to make the trip to Elysium if needed instead of always being the other way around. Even though they had only just met Beauregard had proven to be quite amicable and easy to get along with so she could foresee them working well together in the future. Her expression lit up with interest at the mention of crafting and the structures that his mates had been working on as of late. She nodded with agreement at the mention of moving things forward once spring came around once again and also understood including the caveat of if there were no setbacks. She knew all too well with their recent losses how unexpectedly things could take a turn so she could certainly appreciate having a moderate approach to these things. When he added that it also hinged on whether or not their youngest allowed them the time for their projects she could only sympathize more with the difficulty of trying to get things like this off of the ground while taking care of a family. It was a feeling she could not yet fully relate to, but... perhaps one day.

"I would be very interested to see what products and crafts we could trade whenever you and yours are ready to do so," she agreed with another smile. "Creating and crafting has been a hobby of mine since I was very young so it's nice to find a likeminded group. I built a few structures and such of my own on our land as well. I would love to compare notes with your mates should we ever get the chance to." Building the guard outposts and lounge areas around the pack lands had been a labor of love in the time before she actually took the position of Matriarch. There was a small pause before she added, "So you're a father then? That's wonderful. How many children do you have?" she asked conversationally, but her gaze shifted away from him to look at the path ahead of them instead. She refused to let her own mishaps cause her to be bitter or resentful toward anyone who did not have to face the same struggles that she did. Pups were a blessing regardless and if she was going to get to know her new acquaintance it was good to find out these kinds of things about him.

"Avacyn Medacium"

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1. While I'm in the neighborhood... Cedar Falls 01:22 AM, 11-11-2023 07:46 PM, 03-18-2024