
Sometimes it's the little things

Saracyn <3



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-28-2024, 01:05 AM

Avacyn giggled lightly as Sara brought up the carefree days they had sharing a room within their parent's den. "Sneaking into each other's rooms to cuddle like this, I think you mean," she told him with a teasing smirk. Oh how she did miss those days. Sometimes she wished she hadn't been so eager to prove herself and show their independence so they could have continued to hold onto that carefree time for a bit longer. In the end it was better for them to get out on their own regardless, but she did feel a bit wistful thinking about the times when their biggest concern was whether or not they might get caught in one another's rooms. She raised a brow at the idea of taking a "sex vacation" like their parents had, grinning a bit at the idea. She knew it wouldn't be quite that simple since they would need someone that would be able to stand in for them while they were gone, but she appreciated the thought. He had always kept her from being too serious and knew just what she needed when she wasn't able to give it to herself. "Perhaps... Maybe once we have our Council fleshed out and have some more capable wolves that can watch over things while we're gone," she conceded. With a grin she nibbled playfully at his jaw and added, "I would enjoy letting you take me away to somewhere nice."

She couldn't possibly describe how good it felt to just be smiling and making these teasing comments back and forth with her mate again. For the first time since everything happened she really felt like things could go back to normal. She knew that losing their pups would leave a scar for the rest of their lives, but her dark gaze met the beautiful blues of his and her heart pattered and skipped just as much as it ever had. A little smile pulled at her lips as his gaze held hers, drawing her in captivating her as their gently glowing markings flickered and pulsed in time together. They were the fireflies. No matter what happened they would always have one another and as she savored the feeling of his paw tracing her curves it just reaffirmed that nothing could ever come between them. There was no resistance from her as his paw tipped up her muzzle to meet his, bringing her into a passionate kiss that pulled a quiet, pleased hum from her. His affection was just as delicious as their first kiss and she still couldn't get enough of him no matter how many times she was with him like this. Avacyn rolled with him as he pushed her onto her back, her forelegs slipping up around the back of his neck while her lips remained locked with his for a few more lingering moments, the soft toes of her feline paws curling around clumps of the fur on his scruff.

When Sara did eventually break their kiss, Ava gasped softly as well as her eyes blinked open once more, looking up at him with a sultry, tender look of desire. She returned his grin and chuckled softly at his offer of enjoying their dessert now, another hum escaping her as his hips pressed into hers, removing any remaining doubt from her mind of what he was insinuating–not that she ever had any doubt regardless. Her claws combed through his scruff while her hind legs hooked around his hips and she tipped her muzzle up to place a teasing lick across his chin. "I want nothing more," she insisted in a quiet purr, brushing the side of her muzzle against his. Anything outside of this moment was put so far out of her mind that it felt like they were in their own little world together and she easily lost herself in him, her gaze locking with his and looking nowhere else until her ebony eyes disappeared once more behind fluttering eyelids as she caught his lips with her own once more and her glowing marking lit up like a true firefly.

"Avacyn & Saracyn"

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1. Sometimes it's the little things Alias Island 11:22 PM, 11-19-2023 11:09 AM, 03-19-2024