
Calling Somebody


09-21-2013, 02:40 PM

His chest was in pain as he let out a deep whining painful growl. Her jaws released and clamped onto his leg. Hajime yelped when he felt the pressure and let go. Suddenly she rag dolled him, he had gotten her underneath him but not in the way he had wanted. Not only that but the tug on his paw made a painful sprain. As he buckled and tried to keep himself from falling over her. He didn't have enough time to react to her kicks, all the defense he had was his tightened muscles to avoid tearing. Hajime hissed deep in his throat in pain. He wasn't about to give up, as he placed his injured left paw on her chest near her throat and opened his jaws to snap at her right eye. He wasn't happy either with her attacks as he snapped against her. Putting pressure from his bleeding paw on her chest and neck. She tore up pieces of fur from his abdomen as he tucked his tail to protect his genitals. He narrowed his eyes, and his ears still pinned to the back of his head.
Hajime pinned his ears back as she grabbed onto the side of his neck as he ducked down. Not realizing that she had been aiming for his throat. He whined as she dug into the side of his cheek. Hajime locked his legs and put more pressure on her chest towards her throat. Keeping his balance, he just wanted to stay put until she gave in. And keep an hold on the right side of her face if he hadn't gotten to the way he was. Toes splayed and head forward as his muscles locked themselves to tighten like armor.


Attack:; Hajime is trying to put his left paw on her chest right near her neck, near the collar bone area. Jaws open letting go of her as she slides under her. His legs buckle and he aims for her right eye.

Defense:; Eyes narrowed, muscles clenched and buckled. Tail tucked to protect genitals. His head is forward and downward to avoid vital neck being attacked. Toes splayed.

Injuries:; Tears on right shoulder about an inch deep. Right side of his neck is torn and bleeding. Left paw sprained and burning along with bite mark tearing. Left side of his cheek having large gashes in it. Fur missing on abdomen and bruising.
