
A walk through the woods



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
01-28-2024, 09:23 PM

She had caught the Elysian wolf by surprise, that much was obvious, but as Avacyn turned around and Juniper saw that knowing smile grace her features, she knew that Avacyn had remembered her. Ava gently corrected her that there was no more "future" to her title. It seemed that her destiny had been realized and she was now the alpha of Elysium after all! June's eyes brightened and she gave an impressed nod of her head. "Well I suppose congratulations are in order then, Miss Alpha!" she remarked with a long, exaggerated mock bow to the Mendacium woman, all in good fun. Now knowing that Avacyn was the alpha of a pack, it made her lone appearance waaaaay out here even more of a mystery. Weren't alphas supposed to stay near their packs? At least that had always been her perspective of things, given how all of her mother's side of the family lived in the Hallows full time.

Avacyn explained that she was just taking some time to herself and getting out for a bit without rhyme or reason. Well that was totally fine with Juniper! The life of a nomad had always been the reason she'd kept from throwing down roots anywhere, so she could fully empathize with the need to just go sometimes. "Oh yeah, I feel that. That's kinda why I don't stay with the rest of my family down south. It's nice and all, but I don't wanna be cooped up somewhere like a carrier pigeon, y'know?" Avacyn expressed her delight to see her again, correcting herself with Juniper's preferred nickname. The little monochrome wolf just giggled and waved her off with a dismissive paw. "It's fine, Juniper or June is fine. Most wolves like the shorter name though, so I go with June. Stars and moon help them if they ever learned my full name!" June punctuated her words with a light, feminine laugh as she fell into pace with Ava as the two ladies continued on their merry way.

While they walked, Juniper drank in the scenery around them. They passed by the herd of deer she had smelled earlier grazing in a clearing off to the side, enjoying the lush summer vegetation. All of the plant life was in full bloom, basking in the warm summer sun. Songbirds chirped and fluttered through the pines overhead. A picture-perfect summer day in the north. Avacyn continued their conversation while they explored, taking June's attention away from the various species of pine trees surrounding them. How many kinds of pine trees existed in the world, she wondered? "It has been a while since then, but I guess you've had a lot going on being an alpha and all," she said in agreement. "I've been doing fine. Just doing my own thing, y'know? Following the beat of my own heart as my dad would say. I've spent a lot of time up north here. I like it up here, and everywhere has it own special uniqueness to it." Juniper silently wondered if there were any lakes nearby she might go spend some time at after this. She did love the water, and especially lakes. "How about you, Avacyn? How's life in a position of power treating you?"

"Juniper of the Sea"