
Cleanse Your Hands, You Sinners


Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-29-2024, 02:58 PM
The trip back to the Raiders Hollow from Auster was… tense. Gilgamesh was in a foul mood for the entirety of the journey and Calico Jack keeps telling himself that he is the reason for this. The fury that had been on the Raid King’s face when the young man had spied him in the midst of the fights was unmistakable and he knows that that he has disappointed the only father figure he has ever had. Words continuously tumble around his head as they travel and, while he keep trying to justify his actions in his own head, the patchwork male keeps falling short every time.

Finally, they hit the water that separates the raiders from their home island and Jack is swift to dive into the water and escape underneath the surface. The ocean has always been his friend, singing its lullaby to him when he was a pup and embracing him in his most troubled times. It helps to calm the turbulent waters of his mind. While he had been soft on the one wolf, he had still won both of his fights and that is all that should matter. By the time his paws touch the sand of the Isle, he is in a much better headspace and ready to face the consequences of his actions.

Sparrow had instilled in him the importance of facing the music once you stir up trouble and Jack is finally ready and willing to meet it. He had taken his time crossing the water so, just as he pads up onto the shoreline, soaking wet from the swim, Gil’s harrowing summons reaches his ears. Lips curl into grimace as he realizes that his humiliation will be put on display for the entire pack but he is quick to settle his features and shake out the heavy drops of water from his coat.

With that, he sucks in a breath, steadies his nerves, and trots into the courtyard where the meeting will take place. The warmth of the sun works to dry his coat as Jack seats himself in front of Gilgamesh, giving the King plenty of space so that he doesn’t have to stare at him. Heart pounds in his chest and stomach flip-flops as Calico Jack readies for the verbal lashing he expects, worry and sorrow tugging at his features in alternating turns in spite of his best efforts to hide them. He just hopes that Rivin will show up soon so that he doesn’t feel so utterly and completely alone.

"Calico Jack"

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1. Cleanse Your Hands, You Sinners Daager Isle 12:21 PM, 01-29-2024 12:07 PM, 03-07-2024