
Fall is Here!



2 Years
09-21-2013, 05:12 PM

The now four month old she-pup would rise from her sleeping spot in the den, careful to step over her sisters and trod on any tails or ears, taking one last leap over her siblings as she tumbled and stumbled her way to the entrance of their den, dual-toned eyes of ruby and topaz spotting her older brother Dhiren's figure up by the stream. Grinning, the young girl would trot towards her brother, bumping his shoulder with her own, giggling with delight as he would kiss her cheek. The ivory pup would return the nuzzle to her darker brother's cheek, her own tail wagging furiously behind her smaller haunches at his greeting. Morning Ren! She would call out happily in return.

Lakota would take a moment to turn away from her brother, leaning down to allow her salmon tongue to snake from her jaws, lapping at the chilled water of the stream. The atmosphere was changing, she could feel it, but she didn't know why or how, just that it was. She wasn't sure if she liked it yet. Having had her fill, she would lift her head, gaze coming back to rest on her brother's face as he asked what she wanted to do today. The girl would take a moment to ponder this question, her ivory and ebony paws carrying her along as she trailed after Dhiren. Well I don't know. What did you wanna do today? There were so many possibilities that she couldn't choose. It was very difficult and she decided to let her brother choose for her.

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