
Into the rush now


09-21-2013, 05:20 PM

Amant straightened his posture almost immediately at the sight of another wolf approaching, his hackles raising and his ears flattening out of instinct. But when she showed no signs of attacking, and even spoke to him, he relaxed a bit. Her appearance and movements may have lured others to her in the sensual way she appeared to want, but he remained unaffected, her feminine wiles doing nothing to sway him.

Ludicael... That must be the name of the pack here. What brought him? A bit of a chuckle escaped him. "Zat depends, Mademoiselle; do you want ze purified answer or ze honest one?" he asked, a half-grin curling upon his maw.

The Gypsy's attention was diverted when another wolf came into view, this one bearing rather striking markings. So, Aurora was the name of the white female. He would store that information away for future reference. But, what was the name of the one before him? The one who carried herself with the gait and grace of an Alpha? "Bien remplies, Mademoiselle Jupiter," he replied. "I am Amant Ignace; since you were so kind to give me your name, I 'ave returned ze favor," he added, a soft smile appearing on his features.

"I... I am lost, Mademoiselles," he confessed, looking to them both. "I don't know where I am, and I 'ave not been able to find very much to eat... I do not settle down very long, but I seek a place to stay. Eef I am out on my own for much longer in zese strange lands, I fear I will starve," he added. "Ah, but 'ow long I may stay ees never certain; ze winds of change and chance, you know?" He smiled again. "Would you, per'aps, let me stay 'ere? I know I don't look like much, but you know what zey say; appearances can be deceiving," he finished, giving a chuckle and a wink.

Speech, Thoughts