
wherever you’re going, can i come too?



The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
01-29-2024, 11:45 PM
Those rosy eyes of hers aligned with his- unyielding and surveying, determination flickering in the hues- though she couldn’t completely mask the uneasiness that simmered behind her gaze. Truly, it was expected. Rhazien was a hard man to please, well versed in the pleasantries of tangled bodies and rough, carnal sex. If she didn’t feel uneasy, that would defeat the purpose of this game. Rhazien had full intentions of testing her and pushing her beyond her comfort zone. The beast wasn’t looking for someone who knew it all- yes, those nights were certainly ones to remember - but lately, he craved a girl who would continually work to please him. One who was enchanted by his suave, manipulated by his charm, addicted to his praise. Addicts made passionate lovers, after all. And a passionate, love-struck lover, was something he had been lacking since leaving Saffron.

These thoughts vanished from his mind as quickly as they came. His attention had shifted to Medulla, who broke their intense eye contact, moving to stand over him-as if he was already hers to ravage. He watched her with a keen eye- gauging her expression, reading into the whirlwind of thoughts swarming behind those sparkling eyes. There wasn’t much forethought it seemed. Her lips came towards his, and he didn’t pull away. Her advance was almost possessive- lips crashing against his, tongue worming past his serrated fangs, dancing with his own. He met her fervor with ferocity- biting at her bottom lip, leaving behind welts, wanting to draw droplets of blood to the surface, so he could really taste her.

In sync, he felt her trying to push him down. He disobeyed at first- wanting to intensify her lust, needing that carnal desire to increase to the point of losing control. He left her one last bite before reclining down onto his back, allowing her to straddle him, sitting on his broad chest, causing her to sway slightly with each breath he took. Their lips disconnected now, Rhazien’s tongue slid across his mouth- savoring the taste of her saliva and the traces of blood from his bites. A paw rose to rest on her hip, toes flexing, claws digging into the supple curvature with ease. Trying to slowly edge her lower, his anticipation and excitement obvious, if she hadn’t seen it already. The expression on his face read, what now as he stared up at her.  

"Rhazien Saxe"
Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.