
It's a terrible day for rain

Audra's funeral


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
01-30-2024, 01:22 AM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2024, 02:49 PM by Clove. Edited 1 time in total.)

Admittedly, Clove couldn’t bring herself to grieve in the same way her mother, father, and older pack mates were. When father told them of a dear friend passing away, and his plans for a ceremony to send her into the afterlife and honor her life, she felt sad. But because she didn’t know the woman too well, her sadness originated from a different source. It made her sad to see her father so sad. The tears that rolled down his face made her heart wrench- the despair he felt written on his features offsetting because he was always so strong. Yes, Clove didn’t know the woman who died- but she knew her father and his sadness. Which meant she would be by his side to help console him, despite her young age.

She had already steeled herself in preparation for the ceremony- so when Artorias called, she was ready to attend. Pulling a cloak on, tucking in her ears and head, she set off from the castle. Making her way to the plains, where she could the group gathering through the soft trickling of rain. She immediately gravitated toward her father- trying not to look up at the body on the pyre. He had the hood of his black cloak pulled up around his face. And, although she couldn’t see him too well, she could feel the emotion resonating from him. It made a knot well up in her throat. Chest growing tight, as she bumped her head against his shoulder. “I’m sorry Dad.” She said, holding herself there for a few moments. Trying to console him the best she knew how. But her voice felt tight in her throat. She didn’t know what else she could say.

Others were arriving and would want to speak with father. So Clove stepped away, to give him space. That’s when she finally looked up at the pyre. Staring at the heap of fine cloth that she knew had a body in it. This was the first time she’d ever seen a dead wolf. It made her uneasy. Made her feel like that could be someone she loved dearly, at any given moment. And that made her feel anxious. Closing her eyes, and bowing her head. She said a short, sweet, silent prayer for the woman. Turning away, she met the eyes of Gloom. And she bid the woman a silent hello with a head nod, expressing her condolences. She took a seat off to the side, pulling her cloak over her head tighter.

It was all so sad for the young girl. She wished Talyssa was here to help her navigate these feelings. But perhaps she could speak with Ember about it later, because their big sister was gone.


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1. It's a terrible day for rain The Starlit Plains 06:34 PM, 01-29-2024 08:27 AM, 05-07-2024