
It's a terrible day for rain

Audra's funeral

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
01-30-2024, 04:31 AM

There were so many firsts for Ember and the rest of the young Carpathians these past few months. Their first ball, their first birthdays, and now... their first funeral. This most recent one was one Ember had already decided she didn't like. She'd met Audra only briefly, usually when spending time with their father, but she had known of the woman. She had been close to her family, someone loved in their pack, and any loss felt grievous to the tight knit Hallows wolves. She'd seen Gloom every so often around the Hallows in brief passing glances, the new woman a wreck (and who could blame her?), but it was the grief that weighed down her usually strong and cheerful father that upset her the most. Their sire was always so composed, so stoic, a paragon of good and joy and love. To see him as he made this moment a reality had been a rude awakening for the usually carefree Carpathian girl.

Artorias' call came as Ember was finishing braiding her tail to keep it out of the wet grass and mud. Her mother's lessons were already paying off in dividends. As she tied up the last of her fur at the end of her tail and stood to swish and wag it about and make sure it didn't touch the ground, Ember glanced out the rain-spattered window of her new bedroom at the gray sullen day outside. The weather certainly seemed to match the mood of the day to a tee. Ember wore no jewelry today, adorned no regalia, just her simple black cloak her father had given them all during their trip up north. It felt fitting and would help keep her dry. Dressed and ready to give her support to her family and her respects to the departed, Ember made her way down to the funeral site. The drizzling rain pelted her face, but she wasn't ready to hide behind her hood just yet. She wanted to be brave and fave this unknown of death head-on. Clove was already there beside their father and Gloom was also there, keeping to herself. And there, dominating the space, was the pyre.

Ember had never seen anything like it before, and already she didn't like it. It made her heart feel heavy and her stomach sink. Seeing the body wrapped up in fine cloth atop the wood, knowing who it was, what it was, and what was about to happen all just felt awful. The Carpathian princess knew death was a part of life—how many animals had they killed and eaten as predators after all?—but it's different when death hits so close to home. What if that had been one of her parents or siblings up there? Ember swallowed thickly and slowly approached the site, dainty paws carrying her gracefully over to her sister and sire. She followed Clove's lead, nuzzling her father's shoulder in support. Glancing up, she could just see his face beneath his raised hood, his usually bright amber eyes dim and heavy with emotion. "Îmi pare rău, tată," she spoke softly to him.

Giving one last long look at Audra before stepping back not to join the oncoming crowd, but instead moving over to go sit near Gloom. Ember didn't know the newest member of the Hallows, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that she had lost somebody so important to her, probably the most important wolf to her in the whole pack and the whole world. She shouldn't have to grieve alone. Looking at the disheveled wolf, Ember offered her a gentle, empathetic smile as she came to sat near her. Not quite touching, but close enough to give her silent support. Gloom was part of their family now, and her pain was all of their pain.

"Ember Carpathius" | "Carpathian"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.

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1. It's a terrible day for rain The Starlit Plains 06:34 PM, 01-29-2024 08:27 AM, 05-07-2024