
do i need glasses? i think i just saw an angel




Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
01-30-2024, 12:08 PM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2024, 12:09 PM by Zoey. Edited 2 times in total.)
As fate would have it, Zoey had done an offshoot of her own adventuring, as well. Since leaving the other band behind, she found she was more independent than believed -- not so anxious about the tides of change, the girl welcomed it instead. She no longer clung to a mother or father figure so much as she used to, now realizing she was, in fact, an adult; an adult who was more than capable of caring for herself. With or without any help. Upon this revelation, Zoey was able to explore new lands and new territories at ease, ready for action and quick on her feet to get away from dangers she couldn't handle (which were minimal, by the way - danger was practically her middle name).

Zoey pressed the goggles tighter upon her head as she found the mouth of a long mine, something she'd never seen before. "Now this is fascinating," She murmured to herself, entering the dimly lit shafts. Over her head she saw faint sparklings of shimmery rock -- she presumed it to be a type of quartz or other precious stone, perhaos another metal was harvested here as well. A treasure trove of old relics dotted her path as she examined each piece, and as she fumbled with a particularly strange object (a hammer. it's a hammer.) she noticed a faint ball of light catching her eye in a smaller alcove of sorts from the main mine shaft.

Curious, the scent of a wolf drew her in even more, and the girl suddenly found herself standing at the mouth of a small but comfortably spaced room. There was, in fact, a wolf there -- a strange fellow, mottled with colorful gradients of orange, magenta and indigo, and..were those quills lining his back? Oh, cool! She couldn't help herself. Wagging her burr tangled tail, she paid no mind to the fact that her appearance is rather scruffy as she gently whispered, "Hello? Are you alright?"

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1. do i need glasses? i think i just saw an angel Northern Mines 09:58 AM, 01-30-2024 10:05 AM, 03-31-2024