
How to kill you? Options Options




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

01-30-2024, 08:52 PM
T he younger wolf answered his question with insolence, and while Requiem was usually one above petty insults, something about the stranger's words rubbed him the wrong way. How dare he claim he had more right to Lurid than he, the woman's own mate? It also put him on high alert, his guard raised and prepared for inevitable violence. Lurid had told Requiem about her time in Boreas, about the pup whose parents she'd murdered and how she'd abducted him as her own son to raise with Alastor. This must have been that same pup. Apparently the orphaned bastard had learned the truth, no doubt from that smiling freak Lurid had been so infatuated with for so long. If that was the case, then there was only one outcome that was coming from this interaction...

T he stranger confirmed his suspicions when he admitted that he used to call her his mother. Ah, so this was Kichi then... Requiem's defensive posture shifted, his expression changing as recognition lit up in his silver and black eyes. A cruel smile began to twist at the dire brute's lips, a sinister flash of sharp fangs as a husky chuckle rumbled deep in his throat. Kichi's threats were so adorable to the veteran assassin. Did he even know who he was threatening? Or was the pup yapping at someone much more dangerous? "Tough talk for such a small whelp," Requiem taunted Kichi, still moving about the other male in order to keep Kichi turning and trying to disorient him. "Dic mihi, puer, lingua nostra te docuit?" When Kichi's face showed no signs of understanding his words, Req chuckled darkly again. "I thought not... You were no son to her, boy. You were her toy, her plaything to build her fake little happy family with that smiling freak. You meant so little to her that she never even tried to find you again. Why would a queen like her ever care about an urchin like you?"

R equiem came to a stop now, turning to face Kichi head on. He glowered at the opposing brute, glaring daggers into Kichi's bright blue eyes. How fun they would be to close forever. "You're lucky you're not the wolf I'm looking for, Kichi. Otherwise you'd be dead already—just like your miserable sniveling parents when Lurid slaughtered them. Now go, get out of my sight before I decide to reunite you with your parents."

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.

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