
Dealing With the Devil


09-21-2013, 06:47 PM

The beast was always moving, always patrolling, lengthy stride of the almost two year old devouring the miles surrounding the pack. He had been scarce lately, preferring to tend to his duties rather then be as social as he had been when he had first joined this pack. Witnessing the battle over the young female from Valhalla and then the battles that followed had been stressful for the young male, wanting nothing more then to jump in and end them himself to protect his new family. But it wasn't something his rank would allow and so he had been forced to sit idly by and watch as events unfolded before him. He was unsure about what he had gotten himself into anymore, about what this pack was all about but he had never been the type to back down no matter the situation so he had no intention of ever leaving this pack unless something awful was to happen to the pack itself.

The howl was familiar and completely unexpected, it stalled his momentum as giant skull lifted and sickly green eyes turned towards the direction of the sound as if the one who had made the sound would come drifting out of the snow towards him. But it wasn't a call for him, no it was a call for the higher ranked wolves of Glaciem and that left a heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach. Why would she come here after everything and call for Isa or Argent?

His limbs felt like they were made of lead as he turned and began walking towards the southern most boarder. He was slightly slack jawed as he moved, ears tipped forward and orbs intent on his destination. He saw Sendoa a bit off and cut his way towards her, though they had never formally met he knew her from the battle and knew of her ranking. He fell into step a bit behind her without a word, head and tail lowering respectfully. Argent was already there, speaking as he followed Sendoa to the gathering. He heard Azalea's words and it felt like an icy grip had tightened around his heart. She was here to trade her freedom? He was about to protest when Sendoa spoke, putting his concerns far more eloquently then he ever could.

He shot Azalea a warning look, trying to prove Sendoa's point before Sendoa or Argent even looked at him. If/when they did he would dip his head politely to both. They were his superiors in every way but he would do what was needed to protect them. Until Isa got here as well, he wouldn't be letting Azalea leave, she had made this choice and now he would have to make sure she committed. He liked her but his loyalty was with his pack and that wouldn't be questioned today. So the massive male would stand behind the females, head lowered but gazed fixed on those enchanting eyes that had captivated him when they had first met.
