
STARDUST (birth)



09-21-2013, 06:50 PM

Isardis came back, and she offered him a soft smile, pleased by his presence. She smiled at Eris, pleased with the compliments, and pleased that she had pleased Isardis. Her head craned back, seeking to press a kiss to his cheek. She knew not what pushed her to do so, for she?d never been quite so bold as to reveal it all to him, but she could not help the words that fell from her mouth. ?I love you,? she confessed, and she was too exhausted to care about the potential aftermath, to care that he might not feel anywhere near that, or be capable of such a thing. Nonetheless, she let the moment pass, refocusing upon Eris. She had three more children to birth, and it was not going to be an easy process.
The next to come took a bit more energy, but she was used to the sensation. It was a grey male, white on the bottom of his body but otherwise coated with charcoal-tinted blue. He was perfect as well, a strong boy to exist next to his brother. She began to clean him, pulling him close to his brother, hoping that he also met his father?s expectations. Her sons. They were so perfect, and for a moment it almost felt like there were only two, and then the contractions began again. Head fell to the ground once more, eyes closing as she whimpered, pouring all of her energy into the next pup to come into the world.
It was a girl, a beautiful girl with a light coat. Her eyes were marked with black, as well as the tips of her ears, and Argent immediately felt a swell of protectiveness over her daughter. She was beautiful, and one day the mother was certain she would have to chase off the suitors by the dozens. For now she made a fuss over her, doting her with kissed and groomings, setting her beside her two siblings. For the next half hour it seemed that she was done, but then the contractions picked up again. By this point she didn?t feel like she had much left in her. All the strength had abandoned her, and now she had one last child to bring into the word. She focused upon her beautiful children, upon the warmth and protectiveness that swelled within her, and with that she pushed free her final child.
He was the surprise, a shocking coat of powdery white, tinted with pink. The boy looked like his father, albino. Argent fussed over him immediately, cleaning him up, trying to see if such a rare trait had truly been bestowed upon one of her beautiful children. After a swift grooming it would seem such was the case, and now she couldn?t help but beam up at Isardis, look what we?ve made she thought, looking down at their three sons and one daughter, pleased.
Exhaustion filled her bones, but she would not waver just yet. No, she wanted to see the faces of those who had come, wanted to enjoy this special moment as best she could.